Exercise Classes
We began exercise classes in 2011 in partnership with Age UK at their Drovers Centre in North Road. Liz Wood who taught the class from the beginning is still with us and still teaches that class now at the Goodinge Community Centre along with many more.
We were able to expand the number of classes initially through a grant from Richard Cloudesley Charity Trust now called just “Cloudesley”. Click Cloudesley to see their website.
Year-on-year we have gradually increased the number of classes to address demand from our users. Click here for our online classes and here for our live face-to-face classes. All our classes are drop-in. There is no sign-up period. Come any time you like and try as many as you like with no obligation. They are all free.
We want to make classes available and approachable. If you would like to sit through one and see if it is for you……..come along!
And if you would like to talk to someone click here and either telephone Sam or sent him a message.